Getting Started

Getting Started

Please check out the installation guide to install the extension.


Open the Chat Interface

Press Ctrl + Shift + A to open the chat interface.

Select API provider

Select one of the API provider from the dropdown.


Add the API key for the corresponding provider.

The API Key icon changes to green after few seconds indicating the successful connection.

Ask Questions

Start asking questions or request code snippets directly from the chat interface.

Insert Code

Insert or Copy code snippets from the Chat directly using code action button.

Inline code completion

If you are seeing error on the Chat Response, you can check the in chat Trouble shoot.

Open Chat Interface

Press Ctrl + Shift + A to open the chat interface.

Open Suggestion Settings

Click the Code Complete button on the bottom bar to open settings.

Enable Code completion

Enable code completion check box to activate inline code suggestions.


Select the Completion Provider and the available code completion model.


In code Editor, once you stop typing you can see code suggestion generated by AI.

If you are seeing error on the code completion, that is normal. Follow trouble shooting guide in code completion Trouble shoot to fix it.