
Chat to Code

  1. Code suggestions provided by the model can be copied to clipboard by clicking the Copy button.
  2. The Insert button will insert the suggested code Into the editor or replace the selected code.
  3. The button present below the Chat allows you to copy the entire chat block as markdown.
  4. You can use ctrl + shift + Q to copy the selected code from editor to chat window.
The chat uses Markdown format to send and receive response. All basic Markdown syntax like tables, link and list is supported

Read out Response

  1. Use OS speech to read out the response by using the speaker icon at the input box.

  2. The default system voice will be used for reading the response.

  3. You can use the speaker button below assistant chart response to read out that particular response.

    Read out response is only supported for limited linux operating systems.


  1. On the bottom of the chat boxYou can find dropdown for changing the model.
  2. The option allows you to configure your system and temperature.
    1. System message defines your assistant state. you can state how your assistant should respond here.
    2. Increase the temperature will increase the creativity of the model.
  3. The speaker auction allows you to activate Readout Response.

Questions or Feedback?

Cyclone Coder is still under development, and your input is valuable! Have a question or feedback? Feel free to open an issue!

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