Contribution Guide

Contribution Guide

Thank you for considering contributing to our Project Documentation! Here are some simple steps to get you started:

Fork the Repository

Click the Fork button at the top right of this page to create a copy of the repository in to your GitHub account.

Clone Your Fork

Clone your forked repository to your local machine using:

git clone

Create a Branch

Create a new branch for your changes:

git checkout -b feature-name

Add Changes and Commit

Make your changes or document a feature. Try to follows the project’s coding style and conventions.

Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive message:

git commit -m "Add new feature"

Push to GitHub

Push your changes to your forked repository:

git push origin feature-name

Create a Pull Request

Go to the original repository and create a pull request from your forked repository. Provide a simple description of your changes.

Review Process

Your pull request will be reviewed and we may ask for changes or provide feedback. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main branch.